Protarget contributes to the new issue of the PROZESSWÄRME magazine

Protarget AG is proud to announce the release of a technical article on “Solar process heat for surface treatment” in the new issue of the PROZESSWÄRME – Magazin für Thermoprozesstechnik.

Martin Scheuerer (Managing Director of Protarget AG) and John Mitchell(Head of Engineering Department of Protarget AG) emphasising in their article how #solarthermal systems can contribute to decarbonise industrial companies.

The #decarbonisation of the German industry is one of the main policies of the newly elected German government. #Solar #processheat in form of #steam or #hotwater, can cover a significant portion of the industrial energy demand. There a various possibilities to integrate solar thermal energy systems in you company which result in immediately energy savings and reduction in CO2 emissions.

You can find the link HERE.


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