We are actively preparing the pilot plant site and all its equipment at Kind Saud University (KSU) in Riyadh, which will host the demonstration and commissioning of DESOLINATION’s innovative technology!
Over the past six months, the initial planning and design phase of the project site, which includes molten salt heaters powered by both fossil fuels and electricity, has been completed.
Our demonstration site, Riyadh Technology Valleys, is located at King Saud University’s grounds in Riyadh, spanning a total area of 1.67 million m².
Collaborative initiatives with KSU have yielded specifications and initial concepts for the electrical supply and a cost-effective foundation concept, as well as the finalized of the top-level concept and specifications for the waste heat recovery system.The work on the waste heat recovery system has included the creation of a spatial model to facilitate the optimal positioning heat exchanger, bypass and exhaust. Furthermore, the planning and initial design phases for adaptive coupling have been successfully executed.
In parallel to this, our project partner, Tekniker, has advanced the development of the Distributed Control System (DCS) and security concept, while simultaneously laying the foundation for functional descriptions of all domains.
Horizon 2020 stands as the largest EU Research and Innovation program globally, backing initiatives across diverse sectors. Its overarching goal is to foster sustainable growth, bolster employment opportunities within Europe, and enhance the continent’s competitiveness on the global stage.
Among the noteworthy projects under this program is DESOLINATION, a venture dedicated to pioneering an innovative process that integrates Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) with advanced desalination technologies. This collaboration aims to achieve a symbiotic production of renewable electricity and freshwater, particularly targeted for the Gulf region.
As leaders of work package 5 within DESOLINATION, we take immense pride in our role contributing to the development and construction of one of the most expansive solar-powered seawater desalination plants worldwide.

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