Protarget AG is happy to be part of the „H2020 DESOLINATION“ project as leader of the work package 5, contributing to the development and construction of one of the largest #solar-powered seawater desalination plants in the world.
🏢 Protarget AG is specialised in the #development, #production and #construction of solar thermal power plants for decentralised energy supply. Their modular systems generate process heat, steam or hot water for industrial customers.
⚡ By applying lean manufacturing, industrial production processes and through modular assembly methods, Protarget AG is able to compete directly with conventional forms of energy generation. Protarget’s customers benefit from immediate cost advantages and a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.
Protarget AG will be leading Work Package 5 of the H2020 DESOLINATIONproject, during which the pilot site of KSU’s plant in Riyadh will be prepared and the equipment required to demonstrate the innovative DESOLINATION technology will be installed.
Find out more about our partner on their website.